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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Deductive Reasoning Version 6, Syllogism consists of Conclusion, Interpretive Errors such as Confirmation Bias, Propositional Calculus Matrix consists of Four Kinds of Reasoning, Syllogism consists of Two statements, Interpretive Errors such as Only One Model of Premises, Interpretive Errors such as Illicit Conversion, Conditional Reasoning determines Relationship between Conditions, Conditional Reasoning is affected by Interpretive Errors, Deductive Reasoning includes Syllogism, Illicit Conversion means Inappropriate Transformation of a Problem, Syllogism are influenced by Same Set of Cognitive Factors, Confirmation Bias means People Tend to Confirm a Hypothesis, Only One Model of Premises means Premature Focus Eliminates Other Options, Interpretive Errors such as Belief-Bias Effect, Two statements that Assumed To Be True, Deductive Reasoning includes Conditional Reasoning, Reject It rather than People Tend to Confirm a Hypothesis, Conditional Reasoning are influenced by Same Set of Cognitive Factors, Belief-Bias Effect occurs when Judgement is Based on Beliefs, Relationship between Conditions based on Propositional Calculus Matrix